People of Orphalese, you can muffle the drum, and you can loosen the strings of the lyre, but who shall command the skylark not to sing?
Experiments have been the foundation for great discoveries. The word experiment has always fascinated me. Even in my childhood days my young imagination which was very fertile used to conjure up many a unique scenarios and myriad possibilities in my life and in the lives of those around me. Then as I grew up my life got more conditioned, my thoughts started getting molded and casted in what was termed as “appropriate societal behavioral patterns” or something defined by a simpler word but in essence meaning the same. This was generally propagated by the supposedly more knowledgeable but conditioned adults who although had justification for whatever existence they chose for themselves and subjected their younger versions to but seldom had a convincing rationale behind it at least convincing enough to make me appreciate their viewpoints. Hence although I accepted what was usually thrust upon me it seldom was my conscious choice. My faith in what I followed routinely was on shaky grounds from the beginning and I followed it in thought and in deed but it never imprinted itself where it mattered the most- the subconscious self and what I believe today is an imprint on the soul.
Today whatever I choose to do in life is grounded in what I have experienced by taking independent decisions and learning from each one of them. My faith in what I do is much stronger and has made life much more peaceful for me. But the most fascinating part is that this belief system is dynamic and has the ability to change constantly. And for this I needed to experiment with life. Test out both my strengths and weakness. Evaluate them and assess where I stand periodically. Just the way we review our work with our bosses and build on the direction we need to take so do we need to work on our personal self. See where we are headed in life and weed out that which is not in harmony with our new and most recent learnings.
But it is here that we lack motivation the most because there is no apparent and immediate gain. We don’t even know the invisible harm that is being caused. So engrossed are we with tangible outcomes that we forget to spend time with ourselves. To see what’s inside us. We lead routine lives day in and day out following blindly what people before us have done never questioning our faith in what we do.
Why don’t we take a belief that we have and chose not to follow it at all for some days? Experiment and see how life is, can be, if you were to lead it in the opposite way and then decide what gives you peace. This doesn’t mean that you have the license to do wrong things, things which your conscience would never allow but to undo and relearn what you have been conditioned to accept without understanding the same. To unconstruct and resurrect the same. In doing so you would see things in a totally different light and one you never imagined could ever exist. It would require immense courage because many a times you would need to be extremely honest with yourself and above all forgive yourself and move on with life .But at the end of the day that is all that matters.
Experiments have been the foundation for great discoveries. The word experiment has always fascinated me. Even in my childhood days my young imagination which was very fertile used to conjure up many a unique scenarios and myriad possibilities in my life and in the lives of those around me. Then as I grew up my life got more conditioned, my thoughts started getting molded and casted in what was termed as “appropriate societal behavioral patterns” or something defined by a simpler word but in essence meaning the same. This was generally propagated by the supposedly more knowledgeable but conditioned adults who although had justification for whatever existence they chose for themselves and subjected their younger versions to but seldom had a convincing rationale behind it at least convincing enough to make me appreciate their viewpoints. Hence although I accepted what was usually thrust upon me it seldom was my conscious choice. My faith in what I followed routinely was on shaky grounds from the beginning and I followed it in thought and in deed but it never imprinted itself where it mattered the most- the subconscious self and what I believe today is an imprint on the soul.
Today whatever I choose to do in life is grounded in what I have experienced by taking independent decisions and learning from each one of them. My faith in what I do is much stronger and has made life much more peaceful for me. But the most fascinating part is that this belief system is dynamic and has the ability to change constantly. And for this I needed to experiment with life. Test out both my strengths and weakness. Evaluate them and assess where I stand periodically. Just the way we review our work with our bosses and build on the direction we need to take so do we need to work on our personal self. See where we are headed in life and weed out that which is not in harmony with our new and most recent learnings.
But it is here that we lack motivation the most because there is no apparent and immediate gain. We don’t even know the invisible harm that is being caused. So engrossed are we with tangible outcomes that we forget to spend time with ourselves. To see what’s inside us. We lead routine lives day in and day out following blindly what people before us have done never questioning our faith in what we do.
Why don’t we take a belief that we have and chose not to follow it at all for some days? Experiment and see how life is, can be, if you were to lead it in the opposite way and then decide what gives you peace. This doesn’t mean that you have the license to do wrong things, things which your conscience would never allow but to undo and relearn what you have been conditioned to accept without understanding the same. To unconstruct and resurrect the same. In doing so you would see things in a totally different light and one you never imagined could ever exist. It would require immense courage because many a times you would need to be extremely honest with yourself and above all forgive yourself and move on with life .But at the end of the day that is all that matters.
All Content including Pictures are Copyrighted 2006- 2008 © Shruti Bansal.
Copying or Using the content without permission is punishable and offenders will be liable for prosecution.
At Sunday, 27 May, 2007,
Layon said…
In the school days when we used to go up the hills in the evening, we searched for new routes to come down...it was so exciting...even today life is pretty much the same.....take care just not to fall down :)
At Sunday, 27 May, 2007,
shruti said…
@nonsense thinking - true life is as exciting as we want it to be . As for falling down if its avoidable good , but one should never be scared of being hurt . It is only when you fall down that you learn the most important lessons of your life . Even a baby falls dwon many times when learning to take his first steps but once he masters it he never forgets how to walk . It is the same with life .
At Monday, 28 May, 2007,
Layon said…
impressed :)
At Monday, 28 May, 2007,
Smoochy said…
Nice thought. The world surely needs people who question the wide belief and make their own choices. Thats how progress happens.
And on a personal note, its easier to live with your own choices. Even if things go wrong, you learn and live without regrets. Following others' avice, you will always end up wondering 'what if..' later in life.
At Monday, 28 May, 2007,
Meenal said…
Lovely post! I have been through exactly thev same process and I know this is the only way to bring life to life. It's a beautiful journey to constantly learn and understand yourself.
By the way, you should have used 'reconstruct' and not 'resurrect'--the connotation is not correct at that place but wrtiter's licence shall allow it.
love you,
At Monday, 28 May, 2007,
Just Words said…
As always a very thought provoking post , and as always I have questions for u :-)
1) I agree experimenting forms the basis of our evolution as a person , but then
what would u consider best, learning from your own mistakes or learning from others mistake … let me give u a small example ..when a adult tells a kid “don’t play with fire” he knows how dangerous it is , so should the kid listen or should he get burned and then learn the hard way ? keep in mind some time the out come may be more serious that just a small burns
one point will be … we learn more effectively from our mistakes than from others, like a kid ,no matter how many times u tell him ,he will only learn once he is burned … but isn’t that a flaw .. that sometime we just don’t listen and are bend of making a obvious mistake
2) //This doesn’t mean that you have the license to do wrong things, things which your conscience would never allow//
how does our conscience evolve ? is our conscience always right ? example even a kid may feel guilty about lieing but in some comunities we still have human sacrifice and according to them they do it for a cause and they seem to have a clear concious ..same way religious fundamentelist even their concious is moulded in a way that they belive what they are doing is just and right.
then how much should we count on our concious ?
At Monday, 28 May, 2007,
Just Words said…
Hey Shruti,
Excellent post pal !
keep up the good work and keep Smiling
At Saturday, 09 June, 2007,
Padakkam said…
hey.. long time no see..
where r u these days?
nice post btw :)
At Sunday, 10 June, 2007,
Ed Vis said…
But the most fascinating part is that this belief system is dynamic and has the ability to change constantly. And for this I needed to experiment with life. Test out both my strengths and weakness. Evaluate them and assess where I stand periodically.
Right way to go. I agree. Without getting ready to change, life has no meanings.
We learn as we mature. we learn from our experiments.
That is the absolute truth.
At Thursday, 21 June, 2007,
shruti said…
@smoochy - Thanks for the comment .True one has to make one's own choices and chose our path in life . No one can do that for you and if you a chose a path because someone else asked you to then you are making a grave mistake . Only your inner self knows what path has to be taken . We should and can follow other people's advice if it is ratified by our voice of reasoning . its another thing that we have stopped lsitening to that voice and now we cant heard it any more so are always confused about what choices to make in life .
@richa . Thanks dear . the word resurrect had been used deliberately because sometimes some beliefs have to be killed and hence the connotation .
@just words - whenever we think differently or question our beliefs lot of questions will arise inside us and we will have to deal with them all . You yourself have to find the answers because unless you have heard them from within you my convincing you willnot really have the impact required . However my humble attempt to answers them as I have understood .
1) I strongly believe that people can guide you , other's mistakes can show you the right path but as long as the awareness and awakening doesnt come from within you sooner or later you will be tempted to make that mistake . Call it a human flaw and a major human weakness but each one learns from his / her own mistakes . Things can be taught but to be able to follow them religiously it has to come from inside us . We see sometimes people are born with some qualities because they have learnt the lesson in some other birth . Some qualities you acquire from mistakles or rather decisions taken in this lifetimes and that I believe is the purpose of this journey we undertake called life . As I belief we are in this world not of this world .
2)Yes our conscience is always right and it is already evolved . What we lack is awareness of our true nature .Let us compare our conscience to a shining white diamond . As we grow up ther eare many times we have not listened to our conscience . Everytime we dont listne to it let us imagine that there is a layer of dust that covers it . Hence we keep ona ccumulating layer after layer of dust till the diamond is seen no more or rather we stop hearing the voice within.Its a viscious circle cos to get back to the diamond it takes tremendous effort and will power to wipe off all that muck . That is what happens when religions are misinterpreted a obvious case of chinese whisper and this is what is called ignorance .
@binu - Thanks . Am in bangalore .
@ED vis - Beautiful thought . As I read a line recently that went " Change is a process called life" . When will we understand the absolute truth behind those words and keep runnign after things all our life . I visited your blog and loved all the posts . Your knowledge of hinduism is really good . Even I learnt some things about my religion . 33 books on christanity thats amazing . But at the end of the day all are someone 's else's interpretations of what God said and hence we should turn inwards to the voice of God within us that is always there to help and guide .
At Wednesday, 27 June, 2007,
aks said…
hey shruti........
nice post...well written...beautifully depicted emotions....
At Wednesday, 27 June, 2007,
shruti said…
@aks - Thanks. Living life differently and constantly trying to understand it has given me tremendous insights and inner strength . I wish that everyone could benefit as eevryone is meant to but sometimes it feels like I am hitting against a solid wall .
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