Why do we always seek reassurances? Aren’t we more obsessed with what is going on in someone else’s mind? We tend to spend more time in a day thinking what others around us think of us. Isn’t that a sign of weakness? A failing! Our inability to be able to assess our own selves or rather our dependence on other people’s acceptance of who we are. Doesn’t then our identity as it truly is become a farce? And if so why?
I believe that if there is fear behind anything we do (be it of any kind) then doing it is wrong. Fear of rejection, fear of loosing material things, fear of being misunderstood. Then we become this constant bundle of anxiety that is always trying to confirm to someone else’s reality, trying to please others and in essence killing their own independent identity and thoughts.
The other end of the spectrum is just as worse. By trying not to get affected by what other’s think or opiniate about us and going into a denial mode. Closing ourselves to any constructive feedback that people around us can provide. It is human nature to cling on to some defined existence. They cannot live is suspended beliefs, they have to choose between the two ends. Hence if we want to protect our self from the vulnerability of being exposed to external scrutiny we start mocking what others say or do. So much so that we start believing that only our thoughts, our way of living and doing things is right. This helps us preserve our self esteem as according to us the others around us are always wrong. Such people are the weakest and can only be identified to an ostrich that hides his head in the sand seeing the impending storm believing it will blow away without causing him any harm. Such people cocoon their existence to a false reality seen only by them.
Man is a social animal. This saying has a greater connotation when we understand that by mingling with others we are exposed to their good and bad. We learn new things about life, different perspectives. We need to imbibe the good we meet around us to constantly upgrade ourselves as human beings weeding out the bad in the bargain .Although we should give importance to other people’s opinion but it should be as a feedback mechanism . By preserving our identity as it is and evaluating a situation from a third person’s perspective we can actually improve the quality of our life and our thoughts. But sadly we choose to be at either ends - fear that forces us to be conformists or denial which makes us arrogant and shallow.
I believe that if there is fear behind anything we do (be it of any kind) then doing it is wrong. Fear of rejection, fear of loosing material things, fear of being misunderstood. Then we become this constant bundle of anxiety that is always trying to confirm to someone else’s reality, trying to please others and in essence killing their own independent identity and thoughts.
The other end of the spectrum is just as worse. By trying not to get affected by what other’s think or opiniate about us and going into a denial mode. Closing ourselves to any constructive feedback that people around us can provide. It is human nature to cling on to some defined existence. They cannot live is suspended beliefs, they have to choose between the two ends. Hence if we want to protect our self from the vulnerability of being exposed to external scrutiny we start mocking what others say or do. So much so that we start believing that only our thoughts, our way of living and doing things is right. This helps us preserve our self esteem as according to us the others around us are always wrong. Such people are the weakest and can only be identified to an ostrich that hides his head in the sand seeing the impending storm believing it will blow away without causing him any harm. Such people cocoon their existence to a false reality seen only by them.
Man is a social animal. This saying has a greater connotation when we understand that by mingling with others we are exposed to their good and bad. We learn new things about life, different perspectives. We need to imbibe the good we meet around us to constantly upgrade ourselves as human beings weeding out the bad in the bargain .Although we should give importance to other people’s opinion but it should be as a feedback mechanism . By preserving our identity as it is and evaluating a situation from a third person’s perspective we can actually improve the quality of our life and our thoughts. But sadly we choose to be at either ends - fear that forces us to be conformists or denial which makes us arrogant and shallow.
All Content including Pictures are Copyrighted 2006- 2008 © Shruti Bansal.
Copying or Using the content without permission is punishable and offenders will be liable for prosecution.
At Thursday, 08 June, 2006,
Archana Bahuguna said…
Great thoughts Shruti ... I relate with them pretty much.
At Friday, 09 June, 2006,
shruti said…
thanks . Am glad that I made sense to you .
At Saturday, 10 June, 2006,
MusingMunitions said…
Well said, Shruti... But it sure is tough to do the right thing... It is tough to dispassionately judge oneself... But then we must keep on trying... We are who we are & we shall be who we want to be.
At Saturday, 10 June, 2006,
shruti said…
True ,, but again what is tough is all in the mind ! It is not tough if the mind doesnt percieve it so . we are our own barriers .
At Saturday, 10 June, 2006,
Geo said…
We all are attention suckers…
I don’t mind being disliked, but it drives me crazy when I am ignored…
Love me or hate me, ignore me not…
At Saturday, 10 June, 2006,
shruti said…
ya in each case we are giving too much importance to people around us
At Saturday, 10 June, 2006,
Mind Curry said…
very well written and intense usual.
i think life is all about finding the middle path and striking that delicate balance. but thats the toughest thing to do. its easier to be on one end than the middle.
we cannot really detach ourselves from various realities and committments, most of them we are born with. but ofcourse, striving to attain that middle path itself takes a lot of courage and effort.
At Saturday, 10 June, 2006,
shruti said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At Saturday, 10 June, 2006,
shruti said…
thanks dear! as far as I can remember u were the one who inspired me to write after a long gap by posting tht first comment on my blog this jan . I was really surprised tht ane1 had visited my blog as I kept it more as a personal diary ..soemtime a friend to my thoughts ..sometimes a catharsis to my pain ..
Ya walking the middle path is tough ..but like all things not easy it helps us see things so very better and differently . It takes time to be able to do it ( especially in every aspect of our lives ) but one can always try . about detachment I cant say i know exactly wht and how but yes we can detach without giving up touch with reality and commitments ..they will be there but viewed from a distance that helps us take the right decision when the time arises .
At Saturday, 10 June, 2006,
Padakkam said…
I believe that if there is fear behind anything we do (be it of any kind) then doing it is wrong. Fear of rejection, fear of loosing material things, fear of being misunderstood. Then we become this constant bundle of anxiety that is always trying to confirm to someone else’s reality,
i really identify with wat u have said there.. awesome post!
At Sunday, 11 June, 2006,
shruti said…
thanks dear ... yes to live life by ur rules ..when u do that u dont do things out of compulsion but out of choice..and any thing given /t aken out of choice is much more truthful and satisfying .
At Sunday, 11 June, 2006,
quills said…
What a terrific post. Thanks Shruti. You are so right you know. Even if we try not to, sometimes I think we subconsciously try to mould ourselves into someone else's idea of perfection in order to gain acceptance and approval from them. To an extent it is good to get an objective feedback, but it should also not be at the cost of losing our own worth or personality in the process.
Shruti dear, thanks for checking upon me. :) Connectivity has been restored and now am back in blogosphere.
At Monday, 12 June, 2006,
shruti said…
hey sweetie ..lovely to see u ur latest will comment ..
hmm ,losing one's identity is the easiest .. sadly we lack the will to seek the absolute truth whether it eb relationships , work , our abilities , weakness. we kid ourselves.. evading the ultimate . IF we seek truth without fear we will get it !
At Tuesday, 13 June, 2006,
Unknown said…
Serious Blogging. Fear of Denial can be best tackled by Denial of Fear.
Interesting perspective in your Blog.
At Tuesday, 13 June, 2006,
shruti said…
Thanks sir . I like to reflect and introspect , it makes life more meaningful to me .
Recognising the fear is the first step to overcoming it . Sadly we get lost right at the beginning .
At Wednesday, 14 June, 2006,
srijithunni said…
so according to you, we need to be in the middle, right? Neither denial nor dependence. It is a tough thing basically to have that sort of balance and at times, in our life we tend to tilt to some side. But your idea is right. We need to surely cultivate this sort of balance in order to achieve our own state of independence and at the same time gain respect socially and mingle with others.
I really abhor the ostrich type more, though.
Real thought provoking post.
With Best Regards,
Srijith Unni.
At Thursday, 15 June, 2006,
silverine said…
You are tagged dear :) Do chk out Think Pad !
At Thursday, 15 June, 2006,
silverine said…
Fantastic post!!!
Look at our relationships with our family and close friends. We are our natural selves with these people..because they know us so well and we need not walk on egg shells around them. And it is people like these that matter. It is no point trying to conform or reach out to people who cannot take the trouble of getting to know you and accepting you as you are.
"We need to imbibe the good we meet around us to constantly upgrade ourselves as human beings weeding out the bad in the bargain"
Completely agree with you on this. Stagnation will make us socially redundant.
At Thursday, 15 June, 2006,
shruti said…
srijith - ya but wht seems difficult initially is always more easier once its actually practiced..and at the end of the day far more satisfying and peaceful. Even i abhor the ostriches and I see so many of them around .Its sad because its only ego ..why do we as individuals tend to beome so stubborn because somewher we are scared to accpet our failings and let it shake the foundation of what we have believed about ourselves so far . Starting again after uprooting is difficult .
Silvy - Thanks dear ! Yesterday I was watching a movie wher the hero tell the heroine "I live in a world where people pretend to be what they are not . With you I can be myself !" Its sad that people love to form brackets and put people in them ..tht they are ways in which youa re expected to behave all the time ..sometimes i feel we will end up becoming clones of each other ..all with the same smile in the same situation with the same expression .. If only people accepted each one for who they are and appreciated individual differences instead of behaving like sheep.
At Monday, 19 June, 2006,
Sreejith Panickar said…
Although we should give importance to other people’s opinion but it should be as a feedback mechanism.
That makes life a blog and communication the comments.....
At Tuesday, 20 June, 2006,
ashok said…
well written...cheers
At Wednesday, 21 June, 2006,
shruti said…
@srijit - whichever way we want to take it ...but then again I feel we as human beings tend to rationalise everything we do..its like we ned to justify our actions to ourselves all the time ..convince ourselves ..2 paths may eb equally right and desirous ..its jsut that we cannot tread both at the same time .
@ashok - thanks
At Thursday, 22 June, 2006,
Rose said…
Yes it is weakness in a way.. yes it cud be insecurity even..
But a person cannot live like an island.. If a person donot absolutely care abt what ppl around him/her feels then that means that that person do not care abt anybody in his/her life.. But it doesnt wrk that way, ds it? The very essence of ur life is brought out by the people u luv and care abt.. I gues its ok to feel a li'l weak in the heart abt them and care for what they feel.. Of crs not at the cost of individualism or to a point where one bcums obsessive..
At Thursday, 22 June, 2006,
mrudhu said…
hey,i can really connect to this.. i used to be t "ostrichy" kind...creatin a barrier,closin myself,clingin to my thoughts n silently claimin "my probs r my own"..tryin to come out of it now..
At Sunday, 25 June, 2006,
shruti said…
hey rose nice thoughts ,, We all do care about the people around us in our own ways and we should care too!!
I was talking about confirming to society ..the bigger picture ..t he worry to appear what ur not just to please a mass , some mass ..false relationships ,, calculated frinedships !!
As far as being an Island is concerned we are ,at the end of itall, alone ..everything and everybody that comes into our life is like a mirage ..which vanishes as you touch it ..and hence we shold let these images float through our life ..but not make them our life.. that will bind us to what is not reality ..our reality ..
mrudhu - good that ur tryin to come out of it ..let the anguish of the past leave u .. let it flow out of ur system..the truth is in inner peace and in accepting everything in life ,,with acceptance comes the strength to persevere.
At Monday, 03 July, 2006,
bhupesh said…
precise and crisp... that's how i sum up your thoughts.Atleast you dare to be frank.
At Monday, 03 July, 2006,
shruti said…
Thank you kind sir ! I write to please my sensibilities and offend none others'.If you can add to it I'll be more than pleased and if u chose to take something home be my guest !
At Monday, 03 July, 2006,
Unknown said…
wow.. this one is really nice....
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