Butterfly with a broken Wing
I read a line recently that went – “ Often the most important lessons arise from the most difficult times.”
The thing that most fascinates me about life is the ability to interpret the same thoughts differently at different stages in life. Why does this happen? Is this what is called maturity? And does maturity have anything to do with age? Just because we change our views as we move ahead in life, are we actually progressing?
Well we might be either moving forward or backwards, diagonally or in a circle but the most important thing and the first step to learning is that we are moving somewhere. When we allow our thought process to be questioned, when we seek newer thoughts, dig out and imbibe knowledge is when we are experimenting and putting in the effort that is required. If we do that we will reach the destination eventually. To stay your entire life in the same place without moving an inch forward caught in a web of acquired beliefs with no real basis is stagnating and wasting a life that could have meant so much more- that was supposed to teach so much more.
So as I re read this line – a quote, which I had read before in another form and one, which had always given me a hidden strength to survive, I thought about the butterfly that was born with a broken wing. Did she curse her existence? What did she feel when she was a child, what happened when she grew up? Did she finally realize that the good that happened in the world as well as the bad happened for a reason?
That she needed that handicap to learn important lessons in this birth, lessons that would build her soul. That her friend who was happy and gay and never faced her struggles was meant to learn other lessons in her life. Lessons about being able to help others because she was bestowed with the ability to do so. Lesson of love and compassion, of sharing and caring. That although they were different from her lessons they would also build her friend’s character, add another dimension to it. That they were both equal in God’s eye just that they were attending different classes to learn different things. Their syllabus was different.
I had read the same thought before but never interpreted it in this light .Was I right or wrong? I didn’t know. But somehow it felt very right. It had the power to HEAL.
The thing that most fascinates me about life is the ability to interpret the same thoughts differently at different stages in life. Why does this happen? Is this what is called maturity? And does maturity have anything to do with age? Just because we change our views as we move ahead in life, are we actually progressing?
Well we might be either moving forward or backwards, diagonally or in a circle but the most important thing and the first step to learning is that we are moving somewhere. When we allow our thought process to be questioned, when we seek newer thoughts, dig out and imbibe knowledge is when we are experimenting and putting in the effort that is required. If we do that we will reach the destination eventually. To stay your entire life in the same place without moving an inch forward caught in a web of acquired beliefs with no real basis is stagnating and wasting a life that could have meant so much more- that was supposed to teach so much more.
So as I re read this line – a quote, which I had read before in another form and one, which had always given me a hidden strength to survive, I thought about the butterfly that was born with a broken wing. Did she curse her existence? What did she feel when she was a child, what happened when she grew up? Did she finally realize that the good that happened in the world as well as the bad happened for a reason?
That she needed that handicap to learn important lessons in this birth, lessons that would build her soul. That her friend who was happy and gay and never faced her struggles was meant to learn other lessons in her life. Lessons about being able to help others because she was bestowed with the ability to do so. Lesson of love and compassion, of sharing and caring. That although they were different from her lessons they would also build her friend’s character, add another dimension to it. That they were both equal in God’s eye just that they were attending different classes to learn different things. Their syllabus was different.
I had read the same thought before but never interpreted it in this light .Was I right or wrong? I didn’t know. But somehow it felt very right. It had the power to HEAL.
All Content including Pictures are Copyrighted 2006- 2008 © Shruti Bansal.
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At Friday, 05 January, 2007,
Mind Curry said…
awesome post!
very deep and penetrating thoughts shruti.
i always believe that everyone has a story to tell, irrespective of their story-telling abilities, economics, social or family background. so its important to listen :) and i dont mean just listening to the words and sounds and noises..but listening to the soul.
one man's roof is always another man's floor.
life is an experience..theres nothing really right or wrong, good or bad - IF you follow your heart.
At Friday, 05 January, 2007,
shruti said…
@ curry ...vow ..listening to the soul - very beautiful thought.Soul connect is a diff level of communication .
Personally I feel listening is a bigger task and u learn so much more when u pay attention to others .
Yes there is so much to experience in life ..to give and take and learn collectively .Thanks for being the first to comment .
At Friday, 05 January, 2007,
mathew said…
dropped in ur blog after a long time..all ur entries are well researched and thought about..lot of thinking behind it..
We are afraid to think deep into our lives..we rarely like to introspect our purpose in life..coz the truth is hard..We love the ignorance we force ourselves into...
nice thoughts bud..
At Sunday, 07 January, 2007,
shruti said…
mattew - Thanks for dropping by . Yes I do think a lot ..Its very easy to keep onself occupied chasing something or th eother whether work or play or both and a lifetime can be less. But at the end we are left with just emptiness . It is required that we take time out to understand and introspect otherwise one day we might wake up to a reality we dont want to face and accept because life has aneways passed us by .
At Tuesday, 09 January, 2007,
shrestha said…
hi thr..this time i'l say im moved!!!i agree that life teaches each one of us sumthing or the other but it depends on our individual self to undersatnd so n interpret it,one does so based on their ability n past experiences.
again wats difficult???? its so controversial!!!in fact for me anything new looks dificult along with being challenging(if i can say so!!!)
moving ,growing ,are all same to me...they cant be treated seperately in fact...
i agree with mind curry that life is an experience... thrs nothin rite or rong...its all ur perception!!!!
lifes good ,luk frm another angle!!!!maybe...
At Sunday, 14 January, 2007,
Suchintya said…
Shruti, it is why when both my project lead and I get a rating of 3, she gets more bonus in absolute monetary terms... her contribution to the team's needs is simply more.
Jokes apart, your perception ( @shrestha ) seems to justify the atrocities by madmen, mislead, or otherwise wrong-doers in the same kinda catergory, since from their perspective they are doing right... (eg: amitabh bachhan in deewar...)
also, you say that not moving, not struggling is a waste of life... have you seen "Million Dollar Baby", when Maggie Fitzgerald (Hillary Swank) lies in the hospital without getting anywhere. Is there a message from God in such situations?? Or can you really say that there is no progression???
At Monday, 15 January, 2007,
shruti said…
@faceless - this is in reply to both ur comments the one left on the post before this and this one .
On the onset let me ask you . How many posts of mine have you read ? more so everyone reads and interprets the same things differently because their level of understanding life in itself are different . What I had in mind and wht u understand seems to be diffrent . I would however like to make an attempt to explain to the best of my abilities . As for shrestha's perception I am not the right person to comment on why she wrote the same .
To me you seem to be a skeptic ..which is good because atleast ur challenging your acquired beliefs and are somewhere dissatisfied with what u have on hand . If I knew how to master materialism and lead a non materialistic life I wouldnt be sitting here and blogging about it . I would be following the path . As I see it and as I have said before too I know too little and have too many questions with too little answers but yes I am trying to move in the direction which I think is right . The direction which might ultimately lead me to the state of nirvana and utmost selflessness that I seek . But just like u cant start writing big verbose posts without learning A, B , C so also in god's kingdom I need to take my steps one at a time . Nothing happens instantly but change always happens slowly over time and one day you realise you have changed . I still feel I am at the botom of the rung but just trying to move up to the rung above me and if in that effort I give up some things which I feel are materialistic which I dont see others around me able to give up then I feel I have progressed.Again your and my definition of materialism may also be very different in the first place .
As far as nt moving ahead I meant in terms of thoughts , in terms of imbibing knowledge which is so vast it has no ends and you urself love to read a lot so you may understand what I mean there hopefully .If someone is physically incapacitated doesnt mean they are nt progressin in their minds , even if the lady is strugling to fight an illness( I dont know as I havent seen the movie ) that struggle itself is a mental excercise that demands huge will power and will add to her character but if she gives up fighting and choses to take the easy path and die then I would say she didnt progress. EVen in the worst of illness , sufferings , physical or mental God wants us to learn something and if you understand that you master fear because you fear nothing and yes God does have a message in each and every situation .
At Tuesday, 16 January, 2007,
Suchintya said…
It gets very difficult to have a conversation when one agrees to the other... but I am going to agree to you that there's a message from God in all situations! It's for us to discover the good in it and/or accept it as it is!
Also, let me add that there's only so much materialism that I can and am willing to give without going back to the stone age... and even that is a progression, and that too painfully arithmetic... but yes I do try.
Skeptic I am! and I have been following your blog since sometime... as I said earlier, you write good and honest... it's just that you don't write enough! but I am not complaining... :)
At Tuesday, 16 January, 2007,
Suchintya said…
sorry for cluttering, but in case you do find time, try this:
and you may delete this comment if you please!
At Friday, 19 January, 2007,
Unknown said…
firstly hats off..wow shruti i havent known u for very long but wow woman ur deep :)
id just like to say keeping in mind perceptions differ.. i believe god is just our conscience just tellin us to do the right thing.. its just that we like to believe that deah is not the end & thus belive in god & the afterlife n so on..
the next thing id like to say is that stagnation in life is impossible.. its like stopping time o some thin.. as the saying goes life goes on. coming to the nirvana part of it, its not about materialism or just giving up stuff that u like but striking a balance.. its being able to enjoy every thing life has to offer and reaching a state of contentment n self satisfaction.. ne way cheers to a great blog..
At Saturday, 20 January, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Sorry to be barging in here, but I cudnt help reading this and here's my thought "Maturity has more to do with experiences than age"
At Thursday, 25 January, 2007,
sandeepmoonka said…
thats really a very nice thought and very well put...
i really appreciate people who believe in taking life as it comes rather than fretting about the past and worrying about the future..
At Friday, 23 March, 2007,
Meenal said…
for a change i liked what u wrote. not verbose at all. and obviously i can identify!
At Saturday, 24 March, 2007,
shruti said…
@ Richa - Oh great one . I am truely gratified that the great journalist actually liked my amatuer attempt at writing ..
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