Gandhi lives in me and through me!
I read a quote recently by Mahadev Bhai’s son, which went like this- “ If Truth is relevant, Gandhi is relevant.”
Gandhi can never die. Gandhi was a not just a man, a human being, he was an ideology, a belief, a way of life. Gandhi lives even today in different forms and through different beliefs all of which stem from that one universal essence or truth. He was one of the manifestations of that Truth albeit one from whom their is a lot to learn .
My fascination with Gandhi started very late in life. In my growing up years he was to me what he was to most kids of my generation, another role model espoused by adults and extremely boring, someone to be shunned, a moralist whose ideologies were crippling and deprived one of the independence of doing what we wanted to do, basically rebel against all rules. His ideologies were a burden too fantastic & crazy to be ever followed.
Moreover there was a different aspect altogether to Gandhi which children of my generation including me were confronted with and that was Gandhi bashing and from all quarters. Every one had an opinion and a take on how Gandhi was wrong or right especially parents. Faced with such confusing signals and exposed to the idea of critising Gandhi we grew up challenging the Father of the Nation without really understanding the essence of what Gandhian thought was all about or what he stood for.
As I got more involved with Gandhi and exposed to his thought processes over the course of the last year through various means including reading , plays, a chance meeting with a 90 yr old Gandhian , discussions ,etc. I started loving and admiring this amazing human being for his strength and solidarity , the essence of the eternal truth that he represented .
I believe in a thought which I read and which has helped me overcome prejudices and evolve as a human being – "Dont confuse the teacher with the lesson." Humans will have weakness but we shouldn’t allow those weakness to color what we need to learn from that human being . Similarly Gandhi being a human would have had his weaknesses too which again is debatable but there was so much to the man and so much to be learnt from him that those seemed miniscule and almost invisible in comparison.
When I saw the movie Gandhi my father, I was both deeply moved and deeply saddened . Moved because the movie revealed more about Gandhi and his persona through the eyes of his son, adding yet another beautiful flavor to him and saddened because of the mass reaction against the choices and decisions made by Gandhi . It was as if the movie was made with the thought to defame Gandhi and make a hero out of someone who could be best labeled a coward and a pimp . As the movie unfolded itself there was a strong urge in me to have been born as his son in that time . I would have had so much to learn and grow from what close proximity to Gandhi would have offered me . Throughout the movie it was evident that Gandhi put character growth and learning of an individual above educational and wordly degrees and learnings . He gave every opportunity to his son to build his character , his essence , come closer to the eternal flame inside him something that time and life has made me value much more than anything that this material world has to offer to me .
Then why was it viewed as a grave injustice, a breach of familial ties and relations , a betrayal of a son by a father ? Even reviews of the film criticized him . It pained me extremely that people missed the essence and greatness of Gandhi , his sacrifice of familial ties for what he thought was right , for the principles that he stood for, a sacrifice that only Gandhi would have understood and had the strength to endure.Why are we as a society so caught up in our neatly woven webs that we fail to hear the voice of our souls ? Family and everything around it in society has been put by us , a framework for our existence on earth . But today those very man made rules have become the shackles that bind us because we are afraid to challenge that which is stale . Can our choices not be different from what the majority choses and is the fear of condemnation greater that our essence , our core ? Majority wins and decisions are formed by the majority because each of us fears condemnation and would rather move with the flow .
We adore the adulation of the masses , and seek to justify our choices and existence through the eyes of others . But it gives us nothing but dissatisfaction in return as we chose to betray our core , move away from the truth . Gandhi as I see him never feared that , he was always true to himself , to what he was and that is what draws my admiration the most . Ofcourse since he didnt confirm to the dicates of man made boundaries he was & is seldom understood .
As I stand today at a cross road in my life I too have made a choice . I have decided I will no longer agree just because I want to please those who are the most precious to me , a part of me , because I fear them questioning what I am , my integrity , my love for them and ultimately when they are unable to find their answers their indifference . And in doing so I have placed everything I love and care for the most at stake . But as someone told me the only culprit is time and I shall bide my own . My world may burn down and crumble but I shall rise from the ashes to burn once more till the day of judgement comes when I can stand with my head held up and eyes that clearly & unflinchingly speak of the battles won .
Gandhi can never die. Gandhi was a not just a man, a human being, he was an ideology, a belief, a way of life. Gandhi lives even today in different forms and through different beliefs all of which stem from that one universal essence or truth. He was one of the manifestations of that Truth albeit one from whom their is a lot to learn .
My fascination with Gandhi started very late in life. In my growing up years he was to me what he was to most kids of my generation, another role model espoused by adults and extremely boring, someone to be shunned, a moralist whose ideologies were crippling and deprived one of the independence of doing what we wanted to do, basically rebel against all rules. His ideologies were a burden too fantastic & crazy to be ever followed.
Moreover there was a different aspect altogether to Gandhi which children of my generation including me were confronted with and that was Gandhi bashing and from all quarters. Every one had an opinion and a take on how Gandhi was wrong or right especially parents. Faced with such confusing signals and exposed to the idea of critising Gandhi we grew up challenging the Father of the Nation without really understanding the essence of what Gandhian thought was all about or what he stood for.
As I got more involved with Gandhi and exposed to his thought processes over the course of the last year through various means including reading , plays, a chance meeting with a 90 yr old Gandhian , discussions ,etc. I started loving and admiring this amazing human being for his strength and solidarity , the essence of the eternal truth that he represented .
I believe in a thought which I read and which has helped me overcome prejudices and evolve as a human being – "Dont confuse the teacher with the lesson." Humans will have weakness but we shouldn’t allow those weakness to color what we need to learn from that human being . Similarly Gandhi being a human would have had his weaknesses too which again is debatable but there was so much to the man and so much to be learnt from him that those seemed miniscule and almost invisible in comparison.
When I saw the movie Gandhi my father, I was both deeply moved and deeply saddened . Moved because the movie revealed more about Gandhi and his persona through the eyes of his son, adding yet another beautiful flavor to him and saddened because of the mass reaction against the choices and decisions made by Gandhi . It was as if the movie was made with the thought to defame Gandhi and make a hero out of someone who could be best labeled a coward and a pimp . As the movie unfolded itself there was a strong urge in me to have been born as his son in that time . I would have had so much to learn and grow from what close proximity to Gandhi would have offered me . Throughout the movie it was evident that Gandhi put character growth and learning of an individual above educational and wordly degrees and learnings . He gave every opportunity to his son to build his character , his essence , come closer to the eternal flame inside him something that time and life has made me value much more than anything that this material world has to offer to me .
Then why was it viewed as a grave injustice, a breach of familial ties and relations , a betrayal of a son by a father ? Even reviews of the film criticized him . It pained me extremely that people missed the essence and greatness of Gandhi , his sacrifice of familial ties for what he thought was right , for the principles that he stood for, a sacrifice that only Gandhi would have understood and had the strength to endure.Why are we as a society so caught up in our neatly woven webs that we fail to hear the voice of our souls ? Family and everything around it in society has been put by us , a framework for our existence on earth . But today those very man made rules have become the shackles that bind us because we are afraid to challenge that which is stale . Can our choices not be different from what the majority choses and is the fear of condemnation greater that our essence , our core ? Majority wins and decisions are formed by the majority because each of us fears condemnation and would rather move with the flow .
We adore the adulation of the masses , and seek to justify our choices and existence through the eyes of others . But it gives us nothing but dissatisfaction in return as we chose to betray our core , move away from the truth . Gandhi as I see him never feared that , he was always true to himself , to what he was and that is what draws my admiration the most . Ofcourse since he didnt confirm to the dicates of man made boundaries he was & is seldom understood .
As I stand today at a cross road in my life I too have made a choice . I have decided I will no longer agree just because I want to please those who are the most precious to me , a part of me , because I fear them questioning what I am , my integrity , my love for them and ultimately when they are unable to find their answers their indifference . And in doing so I have placed everything I love and care for the most at stake . But as someone told me the only culprit is time and I shall bide my own . My world may burn down and crumble but I shall rise from the ashes to burn once more till the day of judgement comes when I can stand with my head held up and eyes that clearly & unflinchingly speak of the battles won .
All Content including Pictures are Copyrighted 2006- 2008 © Shruti Bansal.
Copying or Using the content without permission is punishable and offenders will be liable for prosecution.
At Thursday, 27 December, 2007,
shrestha said…
wow!!!!! as usual a fantastic thought n a movin one....
we humans have defined boundaries for our own souls n abide by them for the simple fear of bein rejected!!!
humans are taught a lot of things but sumwhere failed to learn the lessons of rejection n so the pain is so detested that we sum times find it difficult to accept ourselves the way we are!
infact the thought is so overpowering that our core is at stake!!! however at the same time very few can do so n are often faced with criticism.
truth today, is again a sensitive n a highly subjective issue
because it has a contradicting base of convinience.the essence lies nt in people any more rather the situaions!!!! man being bound by his own self created boundaries is helpless only till he wants to be.n thats probably the reasons that truth fails to penetrate deep into most of the souls!!
At Thursday, 27 December, 2007,
Born Too Soon said…
Brilliant again!
Gandhi has always been an enigma to me. Somehow as a kid, I could never understand the whole concept of how non-violence could actually benefit the masses, when there was a force which was so violent and treated us like dogs.
Growing up, as we all are, I too was subject to this great thing called "conditioning", conditioning of the human brain by things what happen around you. Growing up were all your cousins and friends loved to hate Gandhi, had its share of influence on me. But again the greatest gift of God to mankind is his ablility to think and read. Reading on stuff about Gandhi, One thing that stands out is that every body including his close ones misunderstood him. They called him manipulative and at times a hypocrite. But never has been a case where he said or did anything that was inconsistent with his belief. I guess we could take a leaf out of it and stick to our beliefs. Our beliefs which are moulded by us, if we are not consistent with what we think is right and don't practice what we think is right, we are cheating our own soul and ending up being just followers or appeasers. We can never get happiness until we sweep aside our ego which at most times prevents us from doing what is right. That was Gandhi's biggest victory. Gandhi may have been stubborn, too idealistic and people might have felt he was doing the wrong thing but I don't believe he was inconsistent, he did what he felt was right. How many of us can actually do this?? This involves many sacrifices, the path may not be clear but again at the end of it all winning the war is what should matter not winning those little battles we fight everyday.
I always loved the Sardar patel way of thinking and I would say who has read about Gandhi is definitely incomplete without reading something about patel. It give you two different views on the same thing intertwined by mutual respect in the most difficult of situations.
At Thursday, 27 December, 2007,
shruti said…
@shrestha - vow! lovely comment this the result of what I asked you to do..whatever be it am proud of you & am with u always forge ahead soldier there are still a lot of battles to be won .
@Sushanth - Thanks for the lovely comment dear .yes conditioning and ego that doesnt allow us to accept what we are at a point of time and as well as defy norms . It is ego only that creates the fear of codemnation . I should always be revered and not questioned syndrome .
And yes I sometimes wish I was born in those times expecially when I saw the play . Mahadev Bhai ..I loved every bit of it ...and yes if u have anything on sardar patel would love to read and understand . Understanding these souls would definitely help me grow .
People find it strange that a person of my generation should call herself a Gandhian and I find it amusing .
At Friday, 28 December, 2007,
Nave said…
Excellant write up Shruti. Very thought provoking !!
I remember, as a boy, I used to pose several different questions to my dad, as to what is good, wat is bad, what is right, what is wrong? And as I grew, I realised that its all about how u look at things. Its about the conditions, the situations you are into and the ones which you invite henceforth.
For a handicapped beggar, the biggest truth is he has to feed his kids to live. For him it doesnt make much of a difference if the bread is his earning, or is stolen, or begged. So, truth is all about the perspective you watch it from. We choose to live life on priorities. And on these priorities, or say illusive environment & conditions we weave us a web of life. Priorities at the Gandhian time was to get rid of slavery & injustice and Gandhi handled the situation very well, conditioned the brains of ppl, of friends and foes, with his super moral views excellantly. N there is no doubt about it. The priority for him was his country not his family. And before judging what to follow we need to understand what should be our priority.
I keep wondering at times as to what is more important, is it to hear the voice of our soul, or is it to hear our ppl who at some point of time did sacrifice their souls to our bread, leaning towards the same familial ties? Isnt it a grave injustice to them, if we do justice only to our soul? Its all about making choices. Making right choices. n what is right or wrong is decided by the priorities we have in life.
As a moralist Gandhi is unbeaten, his idealogies, his strength to endure, his belief in himself is unquestionably superb. He practiced what he preached and I appreciate him for that. I believe its always about karma. N karma is about values and duties. Be it to your very own self, your family, or your country. We need to do what we need to do and not fear whats gonna be hitting us. But then are we setting top priorities right? Thats a question we need to ask ourselves before we chose to stand by our morales, against our own people. Which battle is more important to win?
At Friday, 28 December, 2007,
Suchintya said…
Long post indeed and it seems you have been affected pretty much with some of his ideals.
Ever heard of Hitler ?? He is the epitome of what an idealist could do. He was very right in justifying that the Aryan race is the be-all an end-all of all human race. And firmly ensconced in his belief he did what was ideally required for the uplifting of his race and Germans. And nobody can say that he was not successful to a certain extent. Except for the strategic mistake in war conditions, he would have been king of this earth.
Let's take the modern day case of our very own Bharatiya Janta Party and their chief person for the post of Prime Minister, Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee. He as a person is a very good orator and statesman, and a very good politician too. Its not an easy task to handle a coalition as theirs, yet he stands on the shoulders of the RSS and VHP, organizations that promote hardcore Hidutva and hatred for other creeds. Or for that matter consider RSS. It is a very good grass roots organization, which promotes education and school for children and does very good social work at the grass roots level. Yet their main aim is promoting Hindutva.
If you think the above makes sense, then take the case of Gandhi. During the late 1930's when the extremists asked Gandhi to support them in helping chase out the English from Indian soil, Gandhi staunchly refused. I still am searching the reason which could justify that that was in the best interests of the nation.
All that I want to say is, when you say that you are Gandhian in your way of thinking, be ready to answer for all his follies too. No doubt he did good for the nation, and some of his ideals were really good. But the whole point lies that there are others who have done the same and with better results than him. And I am sure you could very easily find them around you, amongst your family and friends.
And this wish of yours to be born as Gandhi's son or something. You can live with persons of the same ideal today and try to find out what really goes behind such thoughts and actions. There you will find out what ego means.
In such scenarios, if there is one person who I like best is Gautam Budhha. He realized that it is not necessary to give up the life of a normal human being when you want to escape from the cycle of rebirth. He is one who truly gave up what we tend to call ego.
Hope I have not rambled too much. Don't take me seriously... :) Wishing I get to meet you in the new year!!!
At Friday, 28 December, 2007,
Born Too Soon said…
Pray , do not find fault with the person
who limps or stumbles along the road
unless you have worn the shoes he / she wears
or struggled beneath his / her load.
Dont sneer at the person who is down today
unless you have felt the blow
that caused his/her fall or felt the shame
only the fallen know .
Dont be harsh with the person who sins
or pelt him / her with word or stone
unless your sure , yes, doubly sure
that you have no sins of your own .
Makes some sense here...... doesnt it??? (picked frm your blog :P )
At Friday, 28 December, 2007,
shruti said…
@suchintya-you have definitely rambled...
At Wednesday, 02 January, 2008,
Filarial said…
nicely written and well said..:)
At Saturday, 17 April, 2010,
Aravind said…
Gandhi...a person who changed this world forever."Jesus told me the work, Gandhi told me the way" the great words of Martin luther is bench mark as I feel Gandhi told the way to every one.
I couldnt guess the frame of world history and especially indian history with out Gandhi.More over the man who proved that religion and religious preachings have social, political directions.
Gandhi,... the simple name in which a lot of strength comes from and I may go on and on because Gandhi is on and on.
Till the world exists the greatness of Gandhi will be admired and its the time for Indian youth to take the way of Gandhi as Indian conditions telling what to do? and Gandhis way is the way to follow
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