The Silence Within.......
I have experienced extremes and then realized that it is only in equilibrium and balance that I found true peace and happiness.
A pendulum when it goes to one extreme by the law of science acquires a momentum, a force by which it has to then go to the other extreme. It can never remain at the extreme forever .The duration for which it remains at either of the extremes depends on the force with which it oscillates. However the pendulum can rest only when it is in the middle or in equilibrium.
Similarly it is with our life. We need to explore the extremes, realize the futility of oscillating from one to the other, experience each of the extreme states to know where true peace and happiness lies and then follow that.
Only when we are at peace with ourselves and happy inside can be bring true joy to everything around us, to the world around us. And if we are able to do that we have served our purpose well. Misery inside can only breed misery outside and hence life should be a journey of finding true internal bliss that can never be shaken and derives its strength in the knowledge of how precious and valuable it is not only for the self but for the world at large and the struggle and pain undergone to achieve the same.
A pendulum when it goes to one extreme by the law of science acquires a momentum, a force by which it has to then go to the other extreme. It can never remain at the extreme forever .The duration for which it remains at either of the extremes depends on the force with which it oscillates. However the pendulum can rest only when it is in the middle or in equilibrium.
Similarly it is with our life. We need to explore the extremes, realize the futility of oscillating from one to the other, experience each of the extreme states to know where true peace and happiness lies and then follow that.
Only when we are at peace with ourselves and happy inside can be bring true joy to everything around us, to the world around us. And if we are able to do that we have served our purpose well. Misery inside can only breed misery outside and hence life should be a journey of finding true internal bliss that can never be shaken and derives its strength in the knowledge of how precious and valuable it is not only for the self but for the world at large and the struggle and pain undergone to achieve the same.
All Content including Pictures are Copyrighted 2006- 2008 © Shruti Bansal.
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At Tuesday, 12 February, 2008,
Suchintya said…
I also like to think that when you are in equilibrium, then and only then you are in a state to affect the equilibrium of the world surrounding you. Only then you can do something that will last for ages.
At Wednesday, 13 February, 2008,
Nave said…
You know Shruti you seem to have experienced life so close, like from a microscope, trying to zoom in the tiniest bit of it... :)
Yes, to affect the equilibrium of the world first you need to have a stable n firm mind .. but the power to realise wat is stable, to watch your own state of equilibrium so closely only comes when you are gauging towards it, from either extremes.. Good or bad, wanted or unwanted, these extremes happen, and we need to live it, experience it. Also I feel, there are are no negative experiences, no mistakes in life, only lessons to be learnt. Lessons which hold the key to life. lessons which fuels our own growth as a being, inward and outward. ten different ppl will learn ten different things from the same incident..its all about how u percieve, all about your perspective. Its all about what you think is equilibrium, and that is what we seek all our life. And only those who seek shall find. So grow while you seek !! :)
At Saturday, 16 February, 2008,
shrestha said…
simply beautiful.... truly to find the peace outside one needs to expiernce the same inside first!
life is a journey..n to find the eternal joy one needs to go through the path of various types..sumtimes happy..sumtimes sad..tricky..or evn fearful the force within that pulls it off,which again comes from the faith n the hope..which is in turn bred by the desire to find the ETERNAL BLISS!!
At Saturday, 16 February, 2008,
shruti said…
@suchintya - yes if we are able to help ourselves then the world is taken care of automatically but how many of us understand that . Truth lies in simple things but we want to complicate things . Seeking for oneself is not selfishnes because if you cant correct yourself and be happy then you are not going to be able to help anything or anyone .
@nickdigital - yes every part of life needs to be analysed and one needs to constantly seek and learn ...if we stop that we start vegetating ... if we learn the ability to be happy in all circustances then the demarcation between good and bad vanishes and isnt that a wonderful stage to reach to ...nothing disturbs you and suffering doesnt exist ... and hence its called internal bliss...
At Saturday, 23 February, 2008,
dharmabum said…
misery inside leads to misery outside - thats a beautiful thought. most of us mistake it to be otherwise - that what happens outside leads to the misery inside. it is a close call, but yes, i get the idea.
At Monday, 25 February, 2008,
shruti said…
@dharmabum - Thanks a lot . You got the central idea of the post & glad that it made sense . I have seen and expereinced that when one is at peace/not miserable inside one always wants others to be also in that state , he/she cannot imagine anything less for everyone . It is only when you are unhappy that u knowingly or unknowing ( caught in the web/ hell created by your own mind ) spread unhappiness around .
At Monday, 03 March, 2008,
Unknown said…
I agree with what you say Shruti. When we are feeling happy, we see only happy and bright things around. When we are dejected and preoccupied with something, we see similar things around. What we see outside is a reflection of our inner mind/self.
At Tuesday, 04 March, 2008,
Born Too Soon said…
Humans are in perfect equilibrium when born...Again we tend to lose it as we grow influences....etc make us what we shouldnt be.... but there is none to blame. Best thing is to try and reach atleast close to that level of equilibrium... and the equilibrium is not just much more than that....
p.s : noticed the profile change:(
At Wednesday, 05 March, 2008,
Nave said…
@born too soon
So true !!
At Saturday, 08 March, 2008,
Padakkam said…
beautiful.... so true.... :)
At Sunday, 09 March, 2008,
shruti said…
@ aparna - yes .And as someone great once said that both heaven and hell are in the mind .
@sushant - yes .true .,..and we all seek that equilibrium more than anything and its a question of where we look for it and how strong willed we are to achieve it .As for the change - change always has a purpose behind it . I am already finding it fruitful .
@binu - :) Thanks .
At Sunday, 11 May, 2008,
Nice post
"Similarly it is with our life. We need to explore the extremes, realize the futility of oscillating from one to the other, experience each of the extreme states to know where true peace and happiness lies and then follow that."
Very apt
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