

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Restoration

People sell their soul very easily now days. I had also done that ,subtly ,each day ,justifying my actions to myself till one day without realizing I had become that which I condemned in others and the world around me. It didn’t matter whether I was a dwarf in front of the giant I too had the seeds and I carried them in my heart and in my mind each day waiting for it to flare up when life presented me with bigger challenges, when much more would be at stake. The mind had always been so cluttered that it hadn’t allowed his message to pass through. I needed to unclutter and disentangle it.

And as I sat there under the beautiful majestic tree, eyes closed trying to look inside myself I realized for the first time in my life very strongly that I hadn’t live life at all so far. 28 years of life had gone by. I had very little time to do what I was chosen to do in this birth. That now I had to run for the rest of my life.

All Content including Pictures are Copyrighted 2006- 2008 © Shruti Bansal.
Copying or Using the content without permission is punishable and offenders will be liable for prosecution.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Random Acts of Goodness

Can there exist partial truth? And are we living in a partial world? Today we tend to do things in half measures and each one of us assumes that he / she is doing it the best and better than the rest. We have created a world of comparison and relativity where we are “good” in relation to either the society around us or our neighbors or spouse or family or friends .In today’s relative world absoluteness of existence seems to have lost its meaning .Here there seems to be a lack of complete understanding of life and its true nature .

The Realm of the relative, our world, was created for us to fully experience ourselves. Only when the knowledge of what is bad exists can we experience the knowledge of that which is good and thus be inspired to move towards the absolute goodness. Goodness no longer remains confined to a few random acts done to justify oneself but the way we live our lives in every breathe that we take and every thought that we think. In this way we move towards seeking absoluteness in every state of human existence.

We start living an existence where we stop feeling the need of anything less than the absolute. An existence which is life enhancing and all encompassing filling us to our core and has no room for the emptiness that getting caught in the web of relativity brings.

All Content including Pictures are Copyrighted 2006- 2008 © Shruti Bansal.
Copying or Using the content without permission is punishable and offenders will be liable for prosecution.

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